Submitting a privacy request is easy!
What does this do?
A privacy data deletion request will delete any analytic identifiers that Hyper Hippo has collected regarding your account. This will permanently remove all of your account data, including progress and in-game purchases. Please note this is not the same as a hard reset, which will start you over with a brand new AdVenture Capitalist game. To learn more about hard resets, please contact our in-game support.
How can I submit a request?
The best way to contact us is directly within your app. To do this, tap on your settings > 'Help & Social' > 'Get Help'. From the menu options, select "Privacy & Data" to get started. Please ensure you are contacting us through the account where you would like to delete your privacy data.
If you are having issues opening the app, our team can also be reached directly through In your email, please include your PlayFab ID (tap your menu > ‘Help & Social’ > (you can tap to copy it)).