* Prices vary depending on your region/currency conversion.

What is it?

Historic Pass offers up to 30 days of Historic benefits!

Tier rewards have two tracks offering 25 Tiers each: Free and Historic Pass. Historic Pass holders will be able to claim rewards from both tracks simultaneously! You can now help people lost in the ages twice as fast!

Historic Pass has the handy benefit of boosting your age power automatically! Receive the ad boost in both main game and Events without watching ads!

Historic Pass holders will also unlock an extra Special Operations slot to complete more operations simultaneously! Your Special Operations will refresh four hours faster, and holders will also be able to refresh one extra Special Operations per day! (This timer will restart at midnight, your local time.)

Instead of 2 free Capsules stacking in Events, Historic Pass holders will be able to stack up to FOUR free Capsules in Events at one time!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does Historic Pass last?
A: Your Historic Pass will expire according to the tier rewards timer in your Spec Ops. The maximum amount of time is 30 days.

Q: Why can't I find Spec Ops?
A: Agents must be Rank 8 to receive Spec Ops from T.T.H.Q. If you are Rank 8, just tap the orange cross-hair icon at the bottom of your screen!

Q: When does my 30-Day Reward timer begin?
A: Your 30-Day Reward/Historic Pass timer will begin after achieving Rank 8. Spec Ops will be unlocked and your Historic Pass timer will begin upon viewing Spec Ops for the first time.

Q: What happens if I decide to become a Historic Pass holder in the middle of my timer? (For example, my timer says I have 9 days, 8 hours remaining.)
A: You'll be able to retroactively claim all the rewards on the Historic Pass track that you had earned on the free track. However, your Historic Pass will last only for the duration of that timer.