If you've experienced an issue while playing AdVenture Capitalist, we're more than happy to help! Please provide as many details as possible when reporting a bug. If we don't know exactly what you are experiencing, we can't troubleshoot this issue.
When reporting a gameplay issue, here is what we'll need:
  • Information on issue consistency: Did this happen once, never to be seen again? Does it happen every time you play? Let us know how consistently you can replicate this.
  • Device specs: Please be sure to always send us as many details as you can about your: current platform, device/computer and operating system specs, etc. Some issues can be fixed with a simple update!
  • Screenshots, if possible: If you are seeing something strange from your end, please include a screenshot whenever possible! The more we understand what is going on in your game, the better we can assist you!
Thanks for your help!