What is the issue? We've received reports from some iOS players that they are unable to load the app after updating to iOS 16.0.
Is there a solution? So far there are two possible workarounds that have helped some of our players!
1. If it's available for you, please update to iOS version 16.1. This has helped some of our players enter the game.
2. Remove any special characters from your Game Center username. To change your username, you should be able to tap into your device's Settings, tap on Game Center, then on Game Center Profile. Your name should now only contain letters and numbers.
I tried both of those steps but still can't load the game! Now what? Please contact our support team! We can be reached through adventurecapitalist@hyperhippo.ca and would be happy to investigate further. Make sure to include your current iOS version and device model in your email.