AdVenture Capitalist includes advertising for third-party apps and products, some of which may be targeted to your interests.

While we make every effort to prevent inappropriate ads from being shown in our game, there may be an ad that occasionally slips through our filters. If you are shown an ad that displays drugs, alcohol, gambling, nudity, or other offensive content, here's what you can do:

Report the ad on the spot
Look for an information icon or privacy policy icon somewhere on the ad. We work with several different providers and each ad provider's icon looks different, but each icon is usually located in one of the corners. Additionally, some providers will give the option to leave feedback and/or report the ad.

Adjust your ad preferences through your device's settings
You may choose to control targeted advertising by using your mobile device settings (e.g. by re-setting your device’s advertising identifier and/or opting out of interest based ads). These steps may vary depending on your device, but these should get you started:

Android: Google settings > ads > opt OUT of interest based ads
iOS 14+: Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Reset Advertising Identifier
iOS under 14: Settings > Privacy > Apple Advertising > turn OFF Personalized Ads

Escalate to our support team
If you've been served an inappropriate ad, we definitely want to hear more about it!

In order for our team to be able to follow up on your report, it's helpful to include:

• A description of the concerning content
• A screenshot of the ad that's showing the ad's name
• A screenshot of the ad that shows the ad provider (a small icon in one of the corners)
• The platform you're using (iOS or Android)

Thanks for helping us keep AdCap fun and safe for everyone!